Sunday, April 18, 2021

Aaliyah, Selena

Aaliyah, Selena
Beyonce, Aretha
Goddesses, visionaries
Musicians, luminaries 
Mariah, Fiona
Fortuna and Florence
Eternal, prolific
Mysterious, cryptic
Prithivi, Ashanti
Isolde, Stefani
Romantic, expressive
Compelling, progressive
Madonna, Natasha
Inanna and Gaga
Empowered, volcanic
Like Britney, like Janet
Alecia, Xtina
Sade and Shakira
Songstresses, dancers
Lionesses, panthers 
Creative, receptive 
Uplift the collective 
These women, these healers
Such beautiful creatures 
We love you, we thank you
And can do the same too